Friday, April 16, 2021

 Kia ora E te whanau

Ko Poerua toku maunga

Ko waitangi toku awa

ko ngatokimatawhauroa toku waka

ko ngapuhi te iwi

ko Ngati kawa te hapu

ko te tii toku marae

Ko whare te Kainga

Ko Te Kemara Ave te Turangawaewae

Ko Katipa toku ingoa.

Nau mai haere mai te toku kainga

I live on the streets of Waitangi with my aunty, my mum and her boyfriend, with heaps of whanau living on both my left and rights of the entire area. I've been living there for as long as I can remember, I was born and raised there.

I don't have any favourite hobbies instead for sleeping, eating, play games, repeating. but what I do like to do actually, is make stories up, anything I see creative I'll share, fiction stories to be exact. 

My favourite food is mostly takeaways, EXCEPT SUBWAYS, I obviously like home-made cooking but I'd rather Takeaways, least to highest will be KFC, Burger king, Chinese, Fish n chips, Mc Donalds.

I don't really like school that much, but would rather come then get a growling by my mum everyday, I like Mpa, Maori, English (sometimes) and P.E (not competitively), I hate science, Dty and art, but I'm alright with maths, social studies and Music. every other subject being neutral.

my educational goal this year will build myself for full preparation in the future.

with personal being once I get out of this year I want to understand my strengths and weaknesses, purposeful of finding a job suitable for myself, one I know I'll work hard in, I won't expect a well derserved Payment of cash every month, day or even second, but I will try to earn a well fair salary the best way I can.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Katipa

    I do enjoy reading your blog posts. I'd have to say one of your strengths lies within your writing, Katipa. You write well, your blog posts are insightful and interesting.
    I'd love to read some of your stories. Why don't you publish some here on your blog?

    Good on you for identifying your future goals, nothing happens without a plan so dream big.
    Imagine what you would love to do every day for a job, what would be most exciting?
    Maybe you could be a writer, a poet, a filmmaker or a playwright.
    Kei ōu ringaringa te ao. The world is yours.
